Words are only part of your story. It’s how you arrange them that makes you stand out. Do it just right, and you’re on your way to success!”
This thought randomly dropped into my brain during a job application (my brain is usually empty at this point). Surprised to actually have a relevant idea, I decided to throw it in the form’s “tell us something unique that’ll catch our eye” section–150 characters or less.
Not to be too philosophical, but it is kind of true. People always say that a picture is worth a thousand words.
My friend Jerry always teased me about my drawing abilities. I’m a pretty horrible artist, and I admitted it. He could only get away with jibing me because he was the same way. For us, “painting with words” (as he called it) came more easily and was just more fun. Even though he isn’t here to paint pictures with his words anymore, the ones he did create are still around, and they’re nice to look back on once in awhile.
The great thing about words is how differently the same few can be arranged–over and over again! One person can create thousands of different pictures with the same assortment of words.
Give a little girl the words “dog”, “tree”, and “house”, and she’ll create a story about a spotted dog who lives in a simple house with a flowery tree in the front yard.
Give a little boy the same three words, and he’ll turn it into an epic, dangerous, piratous quest that eventually ends up in outer space.
Give a philosopher those words and he’ll wax on about the essence of the relationship of the domestic dog to modern-day man, and how blah blah blah…
Anyway, just an interesting thought (or word picture) for your day.
Whether it’s an email, a school paper, a novel, or a letter to Santa, the way you arrange your words can really make you stand out (for better or worse…;)).
What’s your favorite thing to write? Or draw? Or photograph?
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