nescience, n. “Ignorance; lack of knowledge” (Roget’s Thesaurus) (pronounced NESH-ens).
Why is there a picture of a cat by the word nescience, you ask?!
Oh, what a funny coincidence! Not sure how that got there…*chuckles slyly*
Anyway, voila, we have a fancy way to call someone an idiot. As an added bonus, they may not even know you’re doing it! It’s all in the delivery…
“Ah, Cynthia, you will never know how much your nescience irks me.”
“Oh thanks, Janet! You’re too kind!”
Replace the “nce” with a “t” and you have the adjective version.
“Jewel is a rather nescient cat, wouldn’t you say?”
“I was thinking more quixotic, but yes, nescient suits her I think.”
Did I say cat? Oops.
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