The plan was simple. But it was April 1. It was also Honduras, and things sometimes operate a little differently there. It began well enough. My sister Charity and I were staying with our friend Maggie, who teaches English at a private school in Siguatepeque. Her friend Jami, the only one of us who had […]
4 Reasons to do College Online
4 Reasons to do College Online College is crazy expensive nowadays. But it doesn’t have to be, especially if you pursue an online degree. There are definitely tricks to spending less on your diploma, and I’ll share several below. Skip the Math If you decide on an online degree (or even if you don’t!), you […]
ursine, adj. “[1] of or relating to a bear or bears. [2] bearlike” ( (pronounced ER-sine). This word jumped out at me for two reasons. First, I remember learning the Latin word for bear in middle school: ursus. It brings to mind long, confusing (but interesting) Latin lessons, practicing a dead language, and wishing people […]
quixotic, adj. “[1] extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable. [2] impulsive and often rashly unpredictable” ( (pronounced kwik-SOT-ik). This word is named after the famous (or infamous?) Don Quixote, a classic character (and book) created by author Miguel de Cervantes. You can guess what kind of guy the don was… Frankly, I wouldn’t […]
Xanthippe, n. “1. the wife of Socrates, proverbial as a scolding and quarrelsome woman. 2. any nagging, peevish, or irritable woman” (Collins online dictionary) (pronounced zan-TIP-ee). Just so the guys don’t have too much fun with this, here’s a word you ladies can use as a comeback if you are ever called a Xanthippe: curmudgeon, […]
Keeping it Real – Adding the Right (write!) Details
Which of these is more intriguing: “Sally wore red shoes”, or “Sally’s converse, once bright crimson but now dingy maroon, dropped flakes of mud with each step she took, making a mess and hinting at adventures of times past”? Details hint at untold stories. Readers like stories. Stories well told keep readers hooked. So how […]