Two girls, a broken down vehicle, and dusk in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Could things get any worse? This story was originally published on Short Fiction Break as part of the Spring 2017 Writing Contest. “Misadventure in Murder Capital” is copyrighted by Pillar House Press. No part of this publication can be reproduced by any […]
Is They Acceptable?
There is a great debate in the grammarian community. It may not be as heated as the infamous Oxford comma debate or as touchy as the possessive apostrophe debate… But it is a problem. And today we will address it. The question, ladies and gents, is this: Is they acceptable? “They” is the subject of the debate, and here’s […]
5 Tips for Academic Writing Success
We’ve all gotten that one assignment that makes us scratch our heads, try to push down sobs of defeat, and drop our heads on our desks in agony at the trials of life. But no matter what the subject is, how ambiguously the instructions are worded, and how clueless we are on where to begin, here […]
Help! I’m Single!
“Single” can be a scary word. For some, it can bring to mind other words like “lonely”, “unworthy”, “unwanted”, and “crazy cat person”. I know; I’ve been there (except for the cat part…not too crazy about them). But being single doesn’t have to be scary. It doesn’t have to be lonely. And being single […]
epulation, n. ‘A feasting or feast’ (Webster 1828) (pronounced ep-ye-LAY-shen). Something awesome that my mom does is prepare a Thanksgiving meal. In the Spring. What?! She goes all out–turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, ribbon salad, all of our favorites–she doesn’t leave any behind. Sometimes she invites family to make it a feast to […]
Sharing the Hard Stuff
Today’s inspiration comes from Sarah Zentner. She writes an encouraging piece on sharing our struggles instead of keeping them bottled inside–a great reminder in today’s rushed, distracted, Christmas newsletter-style world. Take it away, Sarah! The two most powerful words when we’re in struggle: me too.” — Brené Brown “How’s your night going?” I asked as […]