sangfroid, n. “The attitude or state of possessing a cool head and steadfast composure in the face of danger, adversity, or stressful situations” (Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals) (pronounced san-FWAH).
I found this word fun because it has an unexpected pronunciation as well as a unique (but useful) definition. The online etymology dictionary shares that it is from the French sang (meaning blood) and froid (but fwah) (meaning cold), hence keeping your cool, not being a hothead, etc. I bet you know a lot of people who don’t possess this trait…or at least not all the time.
“Did you see Luke at the gas station today? He really freaked out when that duck messed up his convertible! I thought it was hilarious. But him…not so much.”
“Yeah, well, he’s never been known for his sangfroid…”
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