In our series on developing our creativity, we’ve covered the following techniques: Technique 1: Practice Technique 2: See the world Technique 3: Try something new Today, we cover the fourth and final technique: ask questions. So. Why did the chicken cross the road? Believe it or not, people have been trying to answer this since 1847. […]
Develop Your Creativity Technique 3: Try Something New
We’ve talked about developing our creativity. So far, we’ve covered practicing and seeing the world. Today we’ll discuss Technique 3: try something new. I’m not just recommending we go skydiving sometime, although if you’re brave enough, go for it! 1. Experiment with a New Writing Style Maybe you are strictly a blog writer; maybe you mainly write fiction; maybe academic […]
Develop Your Creativity Technique 2: See the World
What if we could make ourselves more creative? We discussed this question in a previous post and came to the conclusion that we can do just that. We then went in depth on the first step, which is to practice. Today, I want to talk about the second step: see the world. Seeing the world does not necessarily […]
Develop Your Creativity Technique 1: Practice
People say that practice makes perfect. Is that actually true? In all honesty, probably not. Nobody can be truly perfect, even with consistent practice. But does it help? Absolutely! Last week, we talked about four ways we can develop our creativity. I decided I’d like to go a bit deeper into each step, not just to […]
Develop Your Creativity: Top 4 Techniques for Writers
Have you ever wondered how to develop your creativity? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could turn it on like a water faucet? The ideas would just flow, freely and powerfully. While that would be fantastic, it’s not realistic. True creativity is an elusive thing. However, we have more control over developing and enhancing our […]
Lights, Camera, Action: 4 Film Set Jobs for Writers
Did you know that there are amazing film jobs for writers? Film is one of the most creative industries out there! Every position utilizes creativity in some way. The lighting department, for example, should know the script to determine what lighting will best portray a scene’s mood/emotion. The camera team must understand how light, framing, and angles will […]