So they say you have to write what you know. In our last post, we came to the conclusion that we actually know more than we thought, which is good. But still, is it enough to write about an epic journey into outer space? Or about a prima ballerina in the School of American Ballet? […]
A quick, shameless plug
Okay, so I have to boost this book a bit: Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals. You may have noticed it is the source of the last two weekly words (or not…I usually don’t notice that kind of stuff). It is awesome. It is a great resource for writers for several reasons. First, it has an […]
sangfroid, n. “The attitude or state of possessing a cool head and steadfast composure in the face of danger, adversity, or stressful situations” (Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals) (pronounced san-FWAH). I found this word fun because it has an unexpected pronunciation as well as a unique (but useful) definition. The online etymology dictionary shares […]
cholers, n. : “The mood of anger, irritability, grumpiness, or being short-tempered and impatient” (Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals) (pronounced KOH-lers). I don’t know about you, but I can certainly relate to this word! Some might call it grouchy, others crabby, and still others hangry (a quite accurate word denoting the combination of anger […]
ophidian, adj. : “Describes snakes or something snakelike; dishonest or mean-spirited” (Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals) (pronounced o-FID-ee-un). This word is unbelievably perfect if you ever find yourself needing to describe a villain in a story (or maybe not the villain…but someone else entirely!). It sounds refined and impressive, yet simultaneously insulting and indicative […]
Write What I Know? Do I Have to?
“Write what you know.” When I was younger and people told me this, I felt so stifled. I wasn’t a world traveller going on adventures. I wasn’t a cowgirl, an astronaut, or an archaeologist (still not). It seemed like the worst advice ever. But it’s actually the most important writing advice I’ve ever heard. It […]